Thursday, February 28, 2008

finally, some time to unwind

The aforementioned trip to the wine country was fabulous. It was such a nice spring-like day. We drove there with no clear agenda, we just wanted to taste some wine, eat and re-energize. We also brought Momo along for the ride and she loved the trip just as much as we did. We took home 6 bottles of wine and tasted quite a few more. Mmmm..

Click on the picture for a bigger view

The grapes were not growing yet but there are fields of yellow everywhere. I believe this is mustard.

We visited The Cornerstone Place Gardens which was such a lovely treat. Try and go there the next time you are in the area. We took our time and strolled through the gallery-style garden exhibit. I left that place feeling very rejuvenated and inspired.

Garden Play by Topher Delaney

Sonoma Children's Garden by Moore Iocofano Goltsman Inc

1 comment:

Lenny said...

I love that pic with lil mo. Her bib matches the sky!